This writeup is going to be about ‘Clutter Overflow’ challenge from the binary expoitation category of PicoGym. Radare2, and GDB will be used to solve this challenge.

Binary Exploitation: Clutter Overflow
Running the binary with sample input testinput does not affect the program, prints out code == 0x0 and code != 0xdeadbeef and simply exits. 1

As the challenge title has the word overflow in it, most likely it’s a buffer overflow challenge. So, providing large input of A character changes the code value. It overflowed. 2
It can be verified that it’s really a buffer overflow vulnerability by adding more A characters as an input. It returns segmentation fault error when passed such a large input. The SegFault error occured because our input overwrote everything including the return address and tried to return to 0x41414141 location which does not exist in the memory.

Stack and Exploitation

The given binary can be opened in radare2 with command r2 ./chall or r2 -d ./chall to open in debug mode.
Analysis can be done with aaaa, imports can be viewed with ii command, and functions can be listed with afl.
We can see main function in there. So, s main can be used to seek to the main function.
pdf prints disassembly of the main function.
Let’s understand how the stack is working here, and how can we overwrite local variable to change the value, and also overwrite the return address so that we can jump to anywhere we want.

Starting with the Standard Entry Sequence

push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 0x110

Here, rbp register is pushed onto the stack which saves the value of the base pointer rbp . The base pointer RBP always points to the base of the stack, and the Stack pointer RSP always points to the top of the stack.
Then, the current value of rsp is moved onto rbp, meaning the rbp also now points to top of the stack.
Finally, sub rsp, 0x110 allocates 0x110 bytes on the stack to store the local variables.
The radare2 command ? 0x110 can be used to print 0x110 in all types, which is equivalent to 272 in decimal.

6 After this standard entry sequence, the instruction mov qword[var_8h], 0 moves 0 to the value stored at location of var_8h.
As this is 64 bit binary, the local variable var_8h and rbp are placed in the difference of 8 bytes in the stack.

All of this might seem confusing. So, I decided to draw the stack layout and show how everything is stored in the stack.


Remember: The stack grows from higher memory address to lower memory address

Top to bottom in the above diagram.

First, the return address is pushed onto the stack, then RBP is stored. Afterwards, 0x110 bytes or 272 bytes in decimal is allocated to store local variables. First 8 bytes is taken by local variable var_8h. So, now we have 272-8 = 264 bytes left on the stack.

Thus, there is 264 bytes to take character string input using gets function call, which will be stored as a character string array.
As gets never checks the length of input, it accepts input of very large length. It is very serious issue, and it is possible to overwrite variables and return addresses because of this.

But here something feels little bit different!
As stack grows from higher memory address to lower memory address, the local variable is already placed on the address higher than that of the character array input. So, how can we overwrite the variable that’s in opposite direction of where the stack grows.
It is because arrays grow from lower memory address to higher memory address.

So, once our input gets filled up on that remaining 264 bytes space, it starts overwriting everything above it.


Now, after understanding all of this, I think exploitation would be very easy. It can be exploited two ways:
Either by changing the local value to equal to 0xdeadbeef which gives us the flag,
Or by changing the return address to point to the memory address which prints the flag.
As the remaining size for the input is only 264 bytes, anything beyond that should overflow local variable var_8h first as it’s right above the character array.

So, with 264+8 we should be able to change the variable to anything we want. Those 8 bytes can be set to 0xdeadbeef so that it will give us the flag.

Or, Another way would be to control the return address so that we can jump to anywhere in the program.
For that, we need 264+8+8=280 bytes.

I used gdb to show what happens to RBP when we pass the character input of 273 A’s. As, 264+8=272, 273 characters should overwrite RBP value with one 41 as A is equivalent to 41 in hex.


As expected, input of 273 A's overwrites one A at Rbp.

Now using same idea, here 264 plus first 8 bytes overwrites local variable, and another 8 bytes overwrites RBP as the RBP is right above the local variable as shown in the stack layout above.

Thus, by writing extra 8 bytes we can fully overwrite Rbp and thus can control the return address of the program. Finally, with 280 bytes of input, our program will be pointing to the return address, so that we can overwrite it with any location where we want to jump in the program. For the purpose of this challenge, jumping to the address where cat flag.txt is invoked will give us the flag.

In disassembled code above, it can be seen that cat flag.txt is being called at location 0x0040077e. So, providing 280 bytes of input and adding that memory location will overwrite the return address and thus invoke the cat flag.txt command and show us the flag.

I used pwntools to create an exploit that displays us the flag.

from pwn import *

#Sets remote host and port
p = remote("", 31890)

#Only one of the payloads below will work at a time

#This overwrites the instruction pointer, jumps to `0x0040077e`, and thus executes `cat flag.txt`
########## Use This or The Other One ###############

payload = b"A"*280 
payload += p64(0x0040077e)


#This overwrites the variable to make it equal to "0xdeadbeef", which prints us the flag
######### Use This or The Other One ################

#payload = b"A"*264 
#payload += p64(0xdeadbeef)



Hope you learned something.
Thank you so much for reading!

  • seizetheday